After a spy sends word that the Holy City of Alamut has been supplying weapons to enemies of Persiam, Dastan and his two brothers order an attack on the sacred city. 得知圣城阿拉姆特在给敌国偷运武器,达斯坦随两位哥哥出征,奇袭圣城阿拉姆特。
Many Jews preferred the longer road on the far side of Jordan, but Christ must have been led by the Holy Spirit in order to touch the life of one needy woman. 但基督一定是听从圣灵的带领,为了触动一位有需要的妇人的生命。
The Knights of the holy order know all about you. 神圣秩序骑士团知道你所有的事。
Urged by the Holy One, he quickly spread-The fourfold robe in order on the ground. 在圣灵的催促下,他很快的展开了-长袍整整齐齐的折好在地上。
And some of their brothers, sons of the kohathites, were responsible for the holy bread which was put in order before the lord, to get it ready every sabbath. 他们族弟兄哥辖子孙中,有管理陈设饼的,每安息日预备摆列。
A bishop in Britain has advised churches not to use holy water in order to prevent the spread of swine flu. 英国一名主教建议,为了防止猪流感的传播,教堂不要使用圣水。
The former is the saying of the Holy Spirit, and the latter is the observed executrix of God's order. 前者是圣灵的话,而后者是对上帝命令的遵守与执行。
He not only imbibes certain thought achievements from "the Holy Bible", but also uses" the Holy Bible "from all respects in order to strengthen the artistic results of his works. 他不仅从《圣经》中吸取一定的思想成果,还从各个方面运用《圣经》以增强他作品的艺术效果。
Chestnut Valley in their "holy science series to" in order to Neo Confucianism as the cornerstone of a large number of scholars have cited the writings of the Song Dynasty from rationality and theory. 栗谷在自己的《圣学辑要》中以程朱性理学为基石,大量引用了宋代性理学者们的著述和理论。
In the "Holy Family", Marx criticizes the philosophy of self awareness of the young Hagel School in order to demonstrate the idea of people as masters. 在《神圣家族》中,马克思主要是批判青年黑格尔派的自我意识哲学以论证人民为主体。